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circos 是一个关系可视化圈图表达软件,常被用来绘制环状的细菌染色体或质粒,或作为可视化比较基因组学研究多个细菌基因组之间差异的工具。circos 的优点是生成的图形优美,可以表示各种类型的数据。但是缺点在于牵涉内容过于繁杂,采用的术语名称的含义往往让人摸不着头脑。教程也不够明确。circos 的目的是绘制图形,有点类似Photoshop,它提供的是工具,而不是一步速成的获得某种图形的方法。

1. 安装


# 安装依赖包
# install gd2-xpm development library
$ sudo apt-get install libgd2-xpm-dev

# link circos perl import path. circos use "#!/usr/env perl" instead of
# "/usr/bin/env" which is default in ubuntu
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/env /bin/env

# install perl modules needed in circos
$ sudo cpan install Clone \
> Config::General \
> Font::TTF \
> List::MoreUtils \
> Math::Bezier \
> Math::VecStat \
> Math::Round \
> Params::Validate \
> Readonly \
> Regexp::Common \
> Set::IntSpan \
> Text::Format \
> GD \
> Statistics::Basic

# 安装 circos
# 从官方下载安装包
$ wet
$ tar xfz circos-0.69.tgz -C ~/apps/circos

# 添加cirocs到系统路径中
$ sudo ln -s ~/apps/circos/bin/circos /usr/local/sbin/circos

# 或者只添加到当前用户环境中
$ echo "export PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/apps/circos/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ circos -v

# 如果屏幕打印出以下信息,说明你可以正常使用circos了。
circos | v 0.69 | 6 Dec 2015 | Perl 5.018002

如果 cpan 下载很慢或者无法连接,可以修改 mirror 来改善。如果你的 CPAN 是安装在个人用户环境里,将 ~/.cpan/CPAN/ 文件里的 urllist 行后面的内容修改成离自己最近的镜像站点,比如:

'urllist' => [q[]],

使用 conda 安装

# 创建一个虚拟环境安装 circos
$ conda create env circos
$ source activate circos
(circos)$ conda install circos

2. 输入文件类型

circos 主要需要2类文件,一类是可视化结果的数据文件,一类是用于告诉 circos 如何展示的配置文件。

2.1 数据文件

circos 只负责画图,图中要展示的数据需要自己预先准备好。比如基因组的GC含量,需要用其他程序先生成以下这种类型的文本格式文件。

染色体 开始位置 结束位置 颜色值 其他选项[可选]
chr1  1000    2000  red

2.2 配置文件


  • circos.conf
  • ideogram.conf
  • ticks.conf
  • image.conf
  • highlight.conf
  • colors_fonts_patterns.conf


2.2.1 circos.conf


<<include your_other_configure.conf>>

2.2.2 ideogram.conf

2.2.3 image.conf

2.2.4 highlight.conf

2.2.5 ticks.conf

3. 可视化的组成要素

\<plots>\<\/plots>,\<links>\<\/links> 区块内的参数是属于 Global 的。 \<plot>\<\/plot> 区块内的参数是属于 Local 的。

如果是某个参数在多个block中都重复使用,那么可以设置成 global 的参数,当某个block要使用新的值时,再用 local 的参数覆盖即可。

# plot可以理解为图层,多个圈图图层构成一个plots

# plots 由
# type 描述图层内容类型,如text
type = text

# r0, r1 表示圈图半径,<1在内圈,>1在外圈, r0-r1为宽度
r0 = 0.95r
r1 = 0.85r
  1. ideogram
  2. highlight
  3. tick
  4. label
  5. link

circos.conf 参数

# 染色体的数据集
karyotype = data.txt

# 定义圈图标尺
chromosomes_units = 1000

# 如果设置成yes,所有ideogram上都会现实ticks
chromosomes_display_default = yes

3. 用circos来绘图

绘制环状 Salmonella LT2 基因组

之前的教程里介绍了用DNAPlotter绘制一个基因组完成图的圈图,圆圈内容strand,GC content和GC skew。从某个角度上看,DNAplotter的配置文件与circos有一定的类似,2个软件的区别在于前者专注于绘制单个细菌基因组,后者可以完成更多的功能。第一个例子我们通过用circos来绘制类似DNAplotter生成的基因组圈图,从而学习circos的基本用法,

准备数据文件:从NCBI上下载Salonella LT基因组数据文件。

$ esearch -db nuccore -query "NC_003197.1[accn]" | efetch -db nuccore -format fasta > LT2.fasta
$ esearch -db nuccore -query "NC_003197.1[accn]" | efetch -db nuccore -format gb >


# -*- utf-8 -*-
from Bio import SeqIO

rec ="", "genbank")
forward = []
reverse = []

for feature in rec.features:
    if feature.type != 'gene':
    if feature.strand == 1:
        forward.append((int(feature.location.start), int(feature.location.end)))
    elif feature.strand == -1:
        reverse.append((int(feature.location.start), int(feature.location.end)))

def get_forward_strand(strands):
    Create forward strands
    with open("forward.txt", "w") as f:
        for strand in strands:
            f.writelines("chr1\t%d\t%d\tfillcolor=chr4\n" % (strand[0], strand[1]))

def get_reverse_strand(strands):
    Create forward strands
    with open("reverse.txt", "w") as f:
        for strand in strands:
            f.writelines("chr1\t%d\t%d\tfillcolor=chr6\n" % (strand[0], strand[1]))

def calc_GC_content(seq):
    Return GC content of input sequence
    gc = sum(seq.count(x) for x in ['G','C','g','c'])
    gc_content = gc/float(len(seq))
    return round(gc_content, 4)

def calc_GC_skew(seq):
    Reuturn GC skew of input sequence
    g = seq.count('G') + seq.count('g')
    c = seq.count('C') + seq.count('c')
        skew = (g - c)/float(g + c)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        skew = 0

    return round(skew, 4)

window = 10000
step = 5000
seqs = SeqIO.parse("LT2.fasta", "fasta")

for seq in seqs:
    seq_1 = seq.seq

with open("gc_skew.txt", "w") as f1:
    with open("gc_content.txt", "w") as f2:
        for i in range(0, len(seq_1), step):
            subseq = seq_1[i:i+window]
            gc_content = (calc_GC_content(subseq))
            gc_skew = (calc_GC_skew(subseq))
            start = (i + 1 if (i+1<=len(seq_1)) else i)
            end = ( i + step if (i+ step<=len(seq_1)) else len(seq_1))
            f1.writelines("chr1\t%d\t%d\t%s\n" % (start, end, gc_skew))
            f2.writelines("chr1\t%d\t%d\t%s\n" % (start, end, gc_content))



$ python

3.1 配置文件

$ cd circos_data
$ touch circos.conf


  default = u
  break = u

circos.conf 文件添加以下内容

<<include colors_fonts_patterns.conf>>
    default  = 0u
    break    = 0u
  radius    = 0.85r
  thickness  = 5p
  stroke_thickness  = 1
  stroke_color = black
  fill = yes
  fill_color = black

dir  = .
file  = circos.png
png  = yes
svg  = yes

# radius of inscribed circle in image
radius        = 1000p

# by default angle=0 is at 3 o'clock position
angle_offset      = -90

#angle_orientation = counterclockwise

auto_alpha_colors = yes
auto_alpha_steps  = 5
background = white

karyotype = data/node.txt
chromosome_units = 1000
chromosomes_display_default = yes
show_ticks          = yes
show_tick_labels    = yes
show_grid          = no
grid_start          = dims(ideogram,radius_inner) - 0.5r
grid_end            = dims(ideogram,radius_inner)

# --------------------- ticks start --------------------- #

# if yes, skip of label of 0bp
skip_first_label = no
# if yes, skip of lable of last
skip_last_label = no

# ticks radius to show, outside or inside
radius  = dims(ideogram,radius_outer)

# genome size * label_multiplier = label units
label_multiplier = 1e-6

tick_separation = 2p
min_label_distance_to_edge = 0p
label_separation = 5p
# label distance to ticks
label_offset    = 5p
label_size = 8p
size = 20p

spacing        = 10000u
color          = gray
show_label      = no
thickness      = 1p

spacing        = 100000u
color          = black
show_label      = yes
label_size      = 16p
thickness      = 2p

# label format, %.1f = 1.1, %d = 1, %.2f = 1.10
format          = %.1f
grid            = yes
grid_color      = white
grid_thickness  = 1p

spacing        = 1000000u
size            = 30p
color          = black
show_label      = yes
label_size      = 24p
thickness      = 3p
# label format, %.1f = 1.1, %d = 1, %.2f = 1.10
format          = %d
# plus Mb to lables
suffix          = " Mb"
grid            = yes
grid_color      = dgrey
grid_thickness  = 1p
# --------------------- ticks ends ---------------------- #

# --------------------- plot start ---------------------- #
    type  = tile
    file  = data/forward.txt
    r1    = 0.95r
    r0    = 0.90r
    margin = 1b
    stroke_thickness = 0
    color = orange
    orientation = center
    # tile height
    thickness = 20p
    # different layer index height
    padding = 5p
    layers = 1
        condition = var(size) > 5kb
        color = black

    type  = tile
    file  = data/reverse.txt
    r1    = 0.92r
    r0    = 0.87r
    margin = 1b
    stroke_thickness = 0
    color = blue
    thickness = 20p
    padding = 5p
    # display one layer of plot
    layers = 1
      condition = var(size) > 3kb
      color = black

    type = line
    r1 = 0.85r
    r0 = 0.75r
    file = data/gc_skew.txt
    thickness = 1
    max_gap = 1u
    color  = vdgrey
    # max/min value of line plotting
    min    = -0.15
    max    = 0.15
    fill_color = vdgrey_a3
        color    = vvlgreen
        y0        = 0.05
        color    = vvlred
        y1        = -0.05

        color    = lgrey_a2
        thickness = 1
        spacing  = 0.04r

    type = histogram
    r1 = 0.70r
    r0 = 0.60r
    file = data/gc_content.txt
    thickness = 1
    max_gap = 1u
    min    = 0
    max    = 1
        condition = 1
        fill_color = eval(sprintf("spectral-9-div-%d", remap_int(var(value), 0,1,1,9)))

<<include housekeeping.conf>>

3.2 绘制测序拼接结果信息

3.2.1 数据准备

3.2.2 配置文件

3.3. 绘制一个比较基因组学数据

BRIG 常被用来绘制的多个细菌比较基因组学数据。本例用 circos 绘制类似的圈图,通过结果可视化来发现和展示生物学信息。

3.3.1 数据准备

3.3.2 配置文件

解析 circos

mit 的circos图为例,可以看出一个circos绘制的圈图中可以包含什么类型的图示。

circos picture

  • histogram 柱状图
  • ideogram 表意文字
  • heatmap 热力图
  • links 关系线条
  • highlights 高亮强调区域
  • grids 网格图
  • ticks 圈图标尺


# ---- 定义图的颜色信息 ---- #

# ---- 定义图的字体信息 ---- #

# ---- 定义填充模式图 ---- #

# ---- 图像的基本设置信息 ---- #

# ---- ideogram 图 ---- #

# ---- 标尺信息 ---- #

# ---- 区域的放大缩小信息 ---- #

# ---- highlights 数据 ---- #
        某一个具体 data track 的配置修改

# ---- Data tracks 数据 ---- #
        某一个具体 data track 的配置修改
        plot 的半径轴
        plot 的背景设置

# ---- links 数据 ---- #
        某一个具体 link 数据的配置修改


一共有4种单位:p, r, u, b

  • p表示像素,1p表示1像素
  • r表示相对大小,0.95r表示95% ring 大小。
  • u表示相对chromosomes_unit的长度,如果chromosomes_unit = 1000,则1u就是千分之一的染色体长度。
  • b表示碱基,如果染色体长1M,那么1b就是百万分之一的长度。

circos 的衍生产品


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